
New funded project on optimizing information value in stochastic transportation systems, sponsored by NSF.

New funded project on Evaluating and Validating Technology Options for Estimating Transit Vehicle Occupancy in Real Time, sponsored by FDOT and collaborated with FSU and FIU

New funded project on deep reinforcement learning for speed control for network safety, sponsored by Safer-Sim Tier 1 UTC

New funded project on assessing societal understanding of existing/future vehicle technologies, sponsored by Safer-Sim Tier 1 UTC and AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.

New funded project on vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) planning and safety impacts

New funded project on ride-sharing system analysis, sponsored by Argonne National Lab, Department of Energy

INSPIRE Lab is awarded a project (funding source US DOE) on “Impacts of Electrified Ride-sharing on Transportation and Energy Systems”.